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Posts posted by mysfit

  1. Unreal.






    It's depressing how the PAC just came unglued. In the end, it's all about the money. Greed, so much destruction from greed. Nothing noble or kind about it.

    • Like 3
  2. And the SC completely delegitimized itself. It's just another political tool.

    What started with Citizens United has now been completed and yes, McConnell, take a bow as the ringmaster who brought it to its conclusion.

    We are so fucked.

  3. Not much to say. 

    My compassion fatigue has led me to the conclusion that it's probably in our best interest to let these folks who are hell bent on a COVID-19 exit from life just carry on and exit.

    It's unfortunate that it's having such an impact on our Healthcare systems, but really. If the right-wing nutjobs want to die off, let them.


    Then we can get this country back on track.


    PS thank goodness I already got all my surgeries in. 

  4. On 9/7/2021 at 12:05 PM, Orange said:

    Texas's abortion law would be like Oregon banning ALL guns, of any sort, and offering $10k bounties to any individuals who report to police that someone owns a gun.

    How the FUCK did we get here?

    Slow death of democracy?

  5. Let the culling of the right wing nutjobs continue. And expand.


    It's unfortunate that it has to impact everyone but if the right wants to let COVID-19 rip through them, I'm not going to stand in their way. Darwin ho!

  6. alright

    I'm convinced. All Trump supporters really are a basket of deplorable. Some of them are not self aware enough to realize they are sexist, racist, anti-science, anti-democracy misogynists, but they are. 

    I got no time or energy for them.

  7. 1 hour ago, Orange said:

    That is their plan.  Their plan is to federally sabotage blue states while helping red states.

    Well yeah

    But that does not constitute the sort of centralized plan we need and the scientists are talking about.

    The mismanagement has become such a huge fucking nightmare and 45% really don't care. I'm thoroughly disgusted by trump, his supporters and his enablers.



    • Like 1
  8. The whistleblower keeps hitting on the fact there is no central plan.

    Of course the WH  is claiming there is one.

    Which begs the question then why is the small fingered vulgarian constantly pushing everything back on the states to get it done?

    Telling the states it's all on them is the opposite of a central plan......duh

  9. And Shep Smith is leaving Fox.


    "Smith signed off his newscast adding, "Even in our current polarized nation, it is my hope that the facts will win the day, that the truth will always matter, that journalism and journalists will thrive."

  10. Is he such a clueless fecking rube that he simply doesn't understand wrong from right? Laws don't apply to him?

    The person tasked with upholding laws and the Constitution thinks he's exempt from both? 

    I just don't see how this country ever recovers from the damage he's done. Him and Moscow Mitch.

  11. 7 hours ago, Orange said:

    There's a TAVR expert here in Bend, but apparently if you replace my particular valve, the leaflets would then cover up the coronary artery.  There is some procedure where they get rid of the old aortic valve leaflets to avoid this, and I guess that expert is in SF?  I think.  The doctor made the totally ingenious decision to discuss this with me about 1 hour after I had been sedated with fentanyl.

    Waiting until you're doped to the gills before having a discussion doesn't seem to demonstrate much situational awareness. It sounds like you are on top of this. I'm surprised you were allowed to fly soon after that surgery.

    I have no problem researching my own medical issues, changing referrals and even watching videos of procedures beforehand.

    I remember being wheeled in for my back, feeling no pain because they start the good stuff as they wheel you down the hall. We got into the surgical suite and I saw xrays on the big screen. Cool! Pictures! 


    No, these aren't yours, as they hurriedly changed them.

    Well stick mine up there, I wanna see them. 

    And that's all I remember til recovery.  I can just imagine my surgeon giving the anesthetist  "the look" of put her out NOW.

    It's my body, my life and I'm a control freak.

  12. On 9/17/2019 at 2:32 PM, Orange said:

    Aortic valve, yes.  I had it replaced twice with open-heart surgery (1997 and 2011), and they (along with my own flagging mile times) are telling me it's breaking down again.

    Too many open-heart surgeries increase the risk for the next one.  (The reason I've had more than one is I refuse to do a mechanical valve and take blood-thinners, and have some fat, white-coat tell me I shouldn't be mountain biking, snowboarding, or any of the other crazy shit I do that makes life worth living).  Now I'm looking into percutaneous options that deliver a bovine valve through my femoral artery to the heart.  CT scan, angiogram, and ultra sound have all still left my doc scratching his head.  I'm about to move out of this backwater to a place where cardiologists and heart surgeons have some answers.  San Fran may be the next stop.

    I thought valve's lasted a little longer than that. That sucks. Quality of life is important, don't let the white coats push you around.

    By San Fran are you considering Stanford? Teaching hospitals tend to be more cutting edge.

  13. On 8/13/2019 at 10:03 AM, Orange said:

    My best friend and I are camping in the Wallowa Mountains this week (starting tomorrow) and going to try the 20-mile hike to summit Eagle Cap in just one day.  It's about 4400 feet elevation gain over the, so while not terribly steep, it'll result in some serious exhaustion.  Hoping the summit photos and bragging will be worth it.

    After that I get to talk to my cardiologist about my next valve-replacement surgery.  Yay. 

    Is it the same valve being replaced?


    Had no idea you had this kind of issue. You're too young to be going through heart surgeries. 

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