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Everything posted by Scscsc89

  1. I am also praying that people learn how to differentiate news from opinion.
  2. I am praying that people learn what a legitimate news source is.
  3. how do we stop the invaders? shoot ‘em
  4. Okay Papa, seriously, it's time to come back from the fringe. Your sources are seriously crazy-town.
  5. Expected soon: "Why is the liberal media ignoring that El Paso shooter was a lib?"
  6. "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
  7. Blatant lie 1) No one had called him a white supremacist. (unless you are counting yourself as that someone) 2) you said he was a “Half-Iranian half-Italian perp with far left rants on social media” The thread is still there if you want to go back & look.
  8. Here’s the article itself. Not surprisingly, it’s less salacious https://heavy.com/news/2019/08/connor-betts/ As opposed to the El Paso shooting, it sounds like Dayton was personal, not politically motivated. unless you want to talk about the desperation of young white males as a political problem
  9. He says, tying the solution to immigration reform.
  10. If this is how you keep score & consider it a victorious week with Trump’s racist rant, an unqualified toady being nominated to lead national intelligence & #MoscowMitch being called out for refusing bipartisan protection for our national elections, well then, I guess I understand why you post so optimistically about Colorado football. #PositivelyOrwellian
  11. I think you misunderstand the role & responsibilities of a moderator, we don’t spend a lot of time taking role. but you miss the point of my message, I don’t mind you posting, it’s the vapid propaganda sources you link to that I object to. If you are resorting to those sites to back up your arguments, you really, really should reconsider the people “on your side” backing you up. (Although as an American taxpayer, I would not mind if you posted less during the workday)
  12. Are you saying that you are bearing false witness to teach us a lesson on how it feels? I guess I missed that day in Sunday School I hate to tell you, but If it talks like a duck and walks like a duck and looks like a duck & promotes duck websites, it’s a duck even if it doesn’t think of itself as a duck.
  13. I’m retired. No one is paying me to do one thing while I cheat them & waste time on line — least of all the federal government. Personal responsibility & accountability — try it.
  14. So you are saying that it’s not your fault for promoting alt-right propaganda because you don’t consider yourself a member of the alt-right? But it is google’s fault for giving you what you searched for? YOU ARE BEING USED AS A TOOL TO PROMOTE BIGOTED PROPAGANDA & YOU CANT EVEN OWN IT. its not enough for me to call you out on it. You can’t complain about a divided country and then post links to hate mongers. Have the will power, conscience, whatever, just stop man, seriously— talk to your wife, pastor, it’s a disease
  15. Show me Org’s anti-Semitic statements and I’ll denounce them. I have no idea why you support alt-right websites like DailyCaller, you should ask yourself that. https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2018/09/05/daily-caller-has-published-white-supremacists-anti-semites-and-bigots-here-are-ones-we-know-about/221200 you are filled with hypocrisies like that — a Christian that constantly bears false witness & concentrates on what makes minorities different instead of what we have in common AND a “small government proponent” who is also a federal employee who wastes all his work day posting on a sports message board & then complains about welfare. If “alt-right” is calling you a name, then so is “conservative”. If you want me to use a different label for you, let me know, but I don’t think you walk the walk of a true conservative.
  16. your devotion to linking to Fox News and the daily caller makes you a good alt-righter. I wouldn’t call you a conservative
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