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On 8/30/2022 at 3:46 PM, Mano said:

This is why the GOP controlled state governments will never let that happen.

And it's created a race-to-the-bottom as concerns integrity in voting districts, because Dems have no choice but to gerrymander when the GOP does it.

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On 10/19/2022 at 7:52 AM, Orange said:

BiDen'S inFlaTiOn



Poor Katie doesn’t understand cpi and ppi and the relationship between the two.  Someone should ask her:  If “corporate greed” is driving inflation why was there so much less corporate greed under Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump and an explosion of corporate greed under Biden?


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On 10/20/2022 at 11:20 PM, KUGRDON said:

Poor Katie doesn’t understand cpi and ppi and the relationship between the two.  Someone should ask her:  If “corporate greed” is driving inflation why was there so much less corporate greed under Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump and an explosion of corporate greed under Biden?


Poor Donnie forgot to ask big corporate CEOs about that:



“Trying to catch up on pricing in a recessionary environment is very hard,” James Quincey, CEO of Coca-Cola, said on the company’s earnings call last week. “And so we have a bias to action.”


Since Coca-Cola doesn’t know the exact moment when spending might drop, the company isn’t waiting around until it misses its chance. “We're going to err towards taking the price increase rather than not taking the price increase. That’s kind of our modus operandi,” Quincey said.


Which is it, corporate costs are going up higher than retail, or the CEOs of these huge companies are lying about their own greed?  lol

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On 10/20/2022 at 10:53 PM, KUGRDON said:

how the fuck do you still fall for these canards???

The "welfare state" also happened to coincide with the war on drugs, which locked up 600 black men per 100k population, compared to 240 white men per 100k population.  The Nixon administration focused on imprisoning black men with laser-like precision, as John Erhlichmann admitted:


You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.

We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. 

Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


This shit is WIDELY-held knowledge, but crackpot, old, white racists like you still love to blame the "wElFarE sTate" because admitting your own culpability as a result of your lifelong conservatism hurts too much.

Just fuck off.

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1.  And Joe Biden did more to lock up more black young men than anyone in history.

2. You said nothing to erase the fact that the welfare state did more to break up black families than did slavery and Jim Crow.

The welfare state prevented black men from raising their sons and Biden came along and locked their sons up.  Inconvenient facts.

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On 10/21/2022 at 1:20 PM, KUGRDON said:

1.  And Joe Biden did more to lock up more black young men than anyone in history.

And he actually wants to undo that mistake.  Do you?  Probably not.  You want to double down to keep those colored kids off your lawn.

The entire fucken 94 revolution was devoted to locking up more black people and I guarantee you voted along with them enthusiastically, so fuck right off.  

On 10/21/2022 at 1:20 PM, KUGRDON said:

2. You said nothing to erase the fact that the welfare state did more to break up black families than did slavery and Jim Crow.

The welfare state prevented black men from raising their sons and Biden came along and locked their sons up.  Inconvenient facts.

The "welfare" state did no such thing, you dumb piece of shit.    Slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow, and the drug war did all that.  Hell, most of the damage among those 4 was the Drug War, which is still ongoing.  

If you're still listening to Thomas Sowell as he hand-waives away 400 years of systemic racial oppression while blaming black people for inequality, you're either the dumbest motherfucker alive, or you're a racist shithead who just wants to alleviate his own guilt.


And I'll help you out: Dumb as you are, you're not the dumbest person alive.   Fucken shame on you.

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For unemployment rates to reach the massive rates they did (around 40-50% for the lowest-skilled Black working-age men from 1980-2000, compared to 20-25% among the same demographic from 1940-1960,) there is almost always a problem with the number of jobs available, not simply how many people want to work. So what would decrease the number of jobs available? First, there was a large wave of Black migration from the rural south to the urban north and west—as well as the urban south—in the 1940s and 50s, and the cities from the urban north were never able to provide enough jobs for all of these folks (who were seeking reprieve from the brutality and economic exploitation of the Jim Crow south). Racism drove them to these cities, where they were segregated into neighborhoods of other poor Black folks. Even though there weren’t enough jobs to go around, the manufacturing boom gave enough employment to improve the lot of many fleeing the south, reducing poverty during the '60s.

Then, deindustrialization. The economy began to transition from an industrial and manufacturing economy—where most of the Black folks in these cities worked—to a deindustrialized, service-based economy in the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s. Capital (and the affluent, disproportionately white population, as well as the small Black middle class) moved out of cities and into suburbs, and the employment system Black folks had relied upon and which had already strained under the number of jobseekers finally collapsed. The welfare state policies of the War on Poverty were not useless, but they did not come anywhere close to the scope of the problems caused by these other structural factors.

The knock-on effects of this concentration and subsequent deindustrialization were the rise in crime and decline in marriage that many Christians erroneously pin on welfare state programs. If a huge proportion of working-age men in your community cannot find any work, you can expect that many of them might seek out less legitimate ways of earning money through crime, and this would cyclically break down social networks of care and trust. The loss of tax dollars from the affluent residents of cities who had moved to the suburbs meant that services and infrastructure that were most necessary were crippled.

In short, racism, segregation, and the starting point of black men in the second great migration are what led to unemployment, and then the criminalization of their own livelihoods after that (selling drugs) led to them being stripped from their families.

But go ahead, continue advocating for the abolition of the welfare state so we can all beat each other to death for scraps of food.  

"RepUblIcAns aRe StrOnGer oN tHe EcOnomY"

Fucken idiots.

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They were stripped from their families, couldn’t live in the same household, before the Dems would provide welfare benefits.  This occurred long after the second migration.  Families largely remained in tact until then no matter the unemployment rate.

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