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6 minutes ago, azgreg said:

I just looked and Netflix has season 1 and 2.

Xfinity is doing their Watchathon where you get Netflix and all the pay channels for free this week, so good time to get caught up on stuff.

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  • 2 months later...

gl yaks about television. some spoilers.

just finished Bloodline (netflix). do not watch bloodline. the first season is really great, then they kill off the best character and spend the next (and final) two seasons dealing with the ramifications. the problem is, the main reason to watch is gone (mostly, there are some dumb flashbacks and hallucination moments that aren't worth the time to watch). and the thing is, if you watch S1, it's so good you'll be compelled to continue on. it's a vicious trap. or, maybe watch S1 and just know you have to pull the plug regardless of that urge. ben mendelsohn won an emmy for his S1 work and it's really quite something. DOES GL RECOMMEND? he's conflicted.

prior to bloodline, i took a trip back to high school and watched 13 Reasons Why (netflix). everything you've probably read about it is true, it's a fairly graphic story about teenage suicide. surprisingly entertaining! it was also hokey and full of all the usual teenage bullshit you'll get in a show like this, but there were some legitimately painful/sad moments. DOES GL RECOMMEND? yes! relive your glory days with a punishing tale of all the things you probably did to hurt others without possibly knowing you did anything at all. you self absorbed ass, you.

Veep (hbo) just finished an aimless sixth season with a fantastic season finale. at the end of S5, selina lost her reelection bid and the cast spends most of S6 wandering through various private and public sector work until they all come together at the end to launch another presidential bid attempt in 2020. it was all funny, the stories were just all over the place considering the cast fractured and split at the end of S5. still fighting it out with our next selection for the best comedy on television. DOES GL RECOMMEND? absolutely. 6 seasons of half hour episodes, extremely bingeable. do it.

up next is Silicon Valley (hbo), which wrapped up S4 on sunday. i really like this show -- funny as hell -- but it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here. each season plays out like a prolonged episode of house where a problem arises, they fuck it up every which way, and somehow at the end they miraculously come out the other side better than they started. tj miller is also leaving the show. DOES GL RECOMMEND? yes, but maybe don't binge it. i think it might get repetitive. 

House of Cards (netflix) really makes me want to enter politics so i can kill people and plot the downfalls of my enemies. i also want my own doug stamper. there are a lot of things i'm too chicken shit to say to people that a doug stamper would be really nice to have around. aaaaanyway, i think the underwoods' republican challenger fell apart a little too easily this season, and now we're at the point where francis is just fucking pushing the secretary of state down a flight of stairs and getting away with it. i thought for sure that sequence was a dream, given the absurdity of it, but apparently the show has taken the No Fucks Given approach to storytelling. also, since anyone who crosses the underwoods dies (or is pushed down a flight of stairs in the mother fucking white house), how is tom hammerschmidt still alive? he's half a second away from proving francis killed zoe barnes, and he's prancing around doing live interviews on the cable news circuit. hmm. DOES GL RECOMMEND? if you've come this far, no reason to jump off the ship yet.

and finally, we have Better Call Saul (amc), which just wrapped S3. i found this to be the slowest of the three seasons, with two or three episodes that really packed a punch and the rest seeming to set up future endeavors. we finally meet gus fring in the past, and we see the early days of his partnership with the cartel. we also got to see how he met mike. we learn why don salamanca had a stroke (betrayed by one of his own!), and in the highlight of the season we saw jimmy go head to head with his brother in court. it was a good reminder that underneath saul's many layers of bullshit and cartoonery, he's actually a fantastic lawyer. i got a legitimate punch to the gut in the season finale when jimmy went to make amends with chuck (his brother) and chuck flippantly shrugged it off, saying it was no big deal because he had never really cared much about him. basically the entirety of better call saul has been setting up the fact that jimmy/saul is a charlie brown loser with few friends, and even fewer people who believe in him, but we've been strung along enough to think that his relationship with chuck, while often rocky, was one of the few things in his life he could actually count on. now that's gone. which sets up the EVENTUAL final dagger, jimmy's relationship with kim. i'm actually getting anxious just typing this. kim's not in breaking bad, so we know something devastating happens. she's just about the one good thing still in his life, and we know it comes to an end. i'm scared. DOES GL RECOMMEND? yes, because slow burn is what this franchise does. most of the "slow" moments come from mike's scenes, and even then he's usually plotting to kill someone or do something badass (or stalk someone, slowly sipping coffee in his car, and admittedly those aren't the best scenes). 

literally all my shows have now ended. commence summer. 




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Spot-on with your House of Cards summary.  How the hell does he just push a woman down 4 steps, knock her out, and just assume he's solved the problem?  Did she have pre-existing soft-skull disease??  Is she in a coma?? 

That show has totally jumped the shark.  The genius of it is that it's still totally watchable despite that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, RogueDuck said:

Ihis job does suck, no doubt.  But I think he'll become pretty important within the citadel soon enough.

I foresee him engaging in some conversations with Jorah about the coming of Dany to Westeros.  (I assume that's who was in the cell given that his arms were all covered up and he's clearly in quarantine.)

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